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Image for header

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Rosette bangle

Rosette Bangle / copper 14 g
Liver of Sulfur patina
20" wire / 6.5" finished

Inspiration:   Art Jewelry Magazine, March 2013, just received in today's mail.

I normally see a few ideas in my art magazines, but I don't act on them right away, and then the magazine is put on the bookcase....well, you know how that is. This time I decided to put my 'I should' into "I will" and "I did".

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Bookmark - double swirl

Double Swirl Bookmark
2.5w"x3.5", Nickle Silver 18 g

I love bookmarks and I have bookcases full of books. This one has multiple ways of using it - hang it over the spine, hang one end over the adjoining page, or clip one loop on top of a page.  The nickle silver wire (18 g 20" length to begin) was swirled and then flatten in the roll mill.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Scarf pin with egg shells

Pin / brass, nu gold, wood
egg shell, black marker

While working with egg shells on the black branch pendant, I thought I'd see what would happen if I put some on a dapped (rounded) washer. The egg shells became stained from my handling the black branch, so that transferred to the egg shells. It resembles marble veining.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Curly Willow Branch con'td

I'm quite enjoying working with my curly willow branches - the ones that fall from the tree and I don't have the heart to throw out because their twisted shapes are all so different and beautiful.  This thicker branch is not like the smaller diameter twigs.  While sanded some of the bark off, I noticed the light and dark patterns and quickly decided to only remove a portion of the bark. I've included a photo of a before look and the after result.  I'll put this aside to become a handle on a future project.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Branch pendant, con'td

Curly willow branch theme, con't.  I wanted to place a stone at the top, but they were all too dark against a black marker stained wood.  I placed egg shell in a recess with resin.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Sticks into Pendants

There are so many curly willow sticks and branches collected following the gusts of wind.  Each has it's own personality, with bends and twists, knots and branch terminations.  The feel of wood in my hands is very satisfying.

Friday, January 25, 2013

I so wanted to take today off. Instead, I decided not to work in the studio, but to try the Paint program in Windows 7.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Wood Jewelry Stand

Need a break from metal and soldering today.

Material - 1)  squiggly branches from the Curly Willow tree that the wind brought down. Yah, I couldn't bear to see them in the garbage can.  2) tree stump from the tree we cut down for Mom several years ago.

Project - a stand for displaying jewelry and for photography

Thoughts - I so love the feel of found wood and stones in my hand. They please my eye and soul.  I've wanted to incorporate them into art pieces, but have always procrastinated. Will it look stupid? Will it be worth my effort? No more self-doubt -- I'm just going to dive in and risk.

While working on the thin twig, I wondered if it would break. Whenever I work with found wood, I go in with the notion that if it breaks / comes off then it is unveiling what it needs to become.  Also, this twig was suck up in the tree for who knows how long, survived the fall, survived being tossed in the trash & removing, the debarking with a wire brush, the sanding with a is one tough little thing. :D

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Domassylum - Disc 2

Disc / Copper, Nickle Silver 22 g
2.25" dia.

Here is a three-part disc with no preconceived design beforehand. After one washer was made, a decision for the next was made etc.

The challenges:  
1) hammering the largest / outer washer stretched it. The washer has a thin border, so I couldn't put another one on top like I had thought.
2) The second washer was punched with the same size punch, not hammered. After several playful arrangements, it was soldered, creating an inner contour.
3) The center is a hammered domed copper disc. I couldn't get the exact contour so the solder is only 7/8 in circumference  Further tapping couldn't fix it.
The happy surprise:
The outer copper washer rollied to the back of the n. silver while filing it down, which I hadn't planned but like.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Domassylum, Disc 1

Inspiration for the next several items came from the various workshops being offered for the Bead Fest Philadelphia to be held in August 2013. One topic is flared frames taught by Melissa Cable. My first domed disc is a combination of brass 24 g on the bottom, copper 22 g roll printed in the center. The inside of the disc has a small brass disc in the center. The photo doesn't show the metal tones very well - the brass is on the gold side.  I hope to make a bracelet or necklace using 5 discs of various designs.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Fortune in Resin

Pendant / Fine Silver 28 g,
59m x 18m (2 1/3" x 2/3")

Working with resin yesterday for the first time was a good experience.  I wondered what else I had set aside waiting for its time to become?  Ah yes, the fortune from the Chinese cookie I had a few days ago. Creating the bezel to hold the fortune and resin took longer than I thought. Getting it square was tricky. I chose to put the paper down into the bezel rather than up where the resin 'doming' would form. The unveiling was educational.  The bottom (to be the finished top) was wavy because it took the shape of the tape it was stuck to.  The top (to be the finished bottom) was not level & needed filing which created a more mate tone rather than glossy, which is ok.  So, I need more practice.  I would rather attempt something great and fail than attempt to do nothing and succeed. Another project with a quote, yipee :0)  

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Pebble Ring - Jade's Collection

Have you ever bought something because you wanted to give it a try (resin) or you know you should have some on hand for when the inspiration hits (empty bezel rings)? But then it just sits in a drawer or on a shelf?  Stuck on what to make today and half wanting to take a day off from creating, I decided to make use of the ring blank and resin. Last summer John & I took two of our grandchildren to their elementary school.  Jade (age 6 1/2) and I sat under the play gym and collected pebbles. There were plenty of white and gray ones, but Jade handed me the reddish ones. They've been in a plastic cut waiting. This is my most cherished piece.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Friday, January 18, 2013

Lentil Bead Pendant

Lentil Pendant / 3/4" dia. copper 22 g,
copper wire 18 g

Without a plan or design, I decided to draw two circles on a scrap sheet of 22 g. copper (3/4" or 20 mm dia.). With my circle template, I drew 7 smaller circles within each (#35 bit). Since I liked it so far, I continued to brainstorm what to do next. I punched out the two discs, dapped, hammered for texture and sanded the edges flat. Yes, it will be a lentil bead. Another first for me to make. After hard-soldering the two together, I laid it on paper to sketch out three options for the bail. The real challenge was balancing the bead on it's edge in the fire brick and also balancing the hanging wire onto the top with the second-hand tweezers. The easy/soft solder went well.  I rather like this one.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Solder Inlaid copper

Pendant / copper 2" dia,
19 g, silver solder, Baldwin's patina

Today's pendant is 2" in diameter, 19 g. copper with silver inlay applied to an engraved random design, with a Baldwin's Brown patina. This is the first time I've tried engraving with a bur on the flexshaft and applying silver solder with a torch.  That process can be tedious, but it's creative. It's the hand sanding for hours to remove the excess solder that is horrible. My hands are not happy. The shine off the metal makes it difficult to get a good picture - gotta work on that.  I enjoy applying a hammered effect with a slight dome. Here's to being okay with firsts - not a good show of craftsmanship, but I have high standards. I need to get over the fact that handmade is not going to look like machine made.....curse you Virgo perfectionist.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Enameling Success

The challenge for this pendant were tough to work through in one day.  The awful torch fired enamel turned out brown and dull.  The "I'm not giving up" kiln version is better. Whew, ok, I won't throw it out to create the bezel or backing.  This usually would take me days drawing up thumb sketches, debating which I preferred, doubting, etc.  This time I drew up two ideas and jumped in. I had to complete it today. Of course I had to make it more difficult than it needed to be, so I repeated the exact triangle cutout spacing from the enameled piece onto the back.  

Temporary Art - Food & Photography

Artwork is subjective. For some reason, I receive a lot of joy in the temporary design of things I come in contact with.  If I come upon an interesting rock pile while hiking, I must stop to create a land-art piece. Food prep is a perfect opportunity for temporary artwork. I shall categorize it as food-art, why not.  Today while cutting frozen polish sausage, I found the arrangement pleasing to the eye.  It is temporary and it is ok.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Enameling Failure

Brooch / brass 24g,
Thompson vitreous enamel,
torch fired (red turned out brown)
I was excited to create a floral inspired brooch with enameling (vitreous/glass).  It was a failure. In an attempt to try something new, I decided to torch fire the enamel which I usually kiln fire at 1500 degrees. I also used brass instead of copper, because I thought the golden brass would look nice with clear glaze. Spending 2+ hours doing the cut work didn't bother me as much as the 1 minute to ruin it.  I was willing to try to accept that sometimes the process ends in failure, and I should be okay with it. I tried, as Scarlett said, to move on because "after all, tomorrow is another day". Well, later in the day I decided to try to save it by adding enamel and kiln firing. I had nothing to lose. See tomorrow's entry for the result.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Earrings - round on round

I had some left over roller printed copper (22 g) imprinted using wire mesh.  I thought the angular lines would be a nice contrast on a round shape.  Not a bad job positioning the center cutout which was reused for the top. What a challenge soldering a teeny tiny half-jump ring to the back.  I am getting fond of the silver plating effect. Next time I'll place the half-jump ring vertical instead of horizontal.

Earrings / copper (22 g), silver plated,
fine silver (20 g)

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Quotations. I've got a binder full. I've been collecting them. I keep thinking I should include it in my art pieces. Some of the graphic / poster quotes on Facebook give you insight into the person who has posted it. They are looking for self-validation, or expressing anger, or showing appreciation. I read one today that was perfect for my new venture to get in the habit of creating, of making something, of not being afraid to just start.  "I don't know where I am going, but I'm on my way."  Indeed, I'm on my way, making one creation at a time....I wonder where it will take me?
Brooch / copper 22 gauge, nickle silver,
patina (Baldwin's, Liver of Sulfur)

Saturday, January 12, 2013

My Website

Today I created and published my first website to showcase my work. It is a start. - home page - metal page

Friday, January 11, 2013

(1) I don't know what to make

I need to get in the habit of making art on a regular basis. Oh the excuses that run through my mind like the stock market ticker tape. There are so many excuses and they re-play over and over until whatta-ya-know the day is gone. No more. This is my first blog, created as a motivator to start. Start anywhere. To push away the excuses, the fear, the yada yada.

Even this blog was a challenge to post. The voices told me it's not perfect....I don't know what to say....I should change it. For now, I will start. Today's excuse to NOT create was - I don't know what to make. With no ideas and no drawings, I will start.

Pendant / copper, silver plated, 1" long, steel cable
Pendant (alternative view)

* to accept the outcome
* let go
* don't over analyze or criticize
* there will be the good, the bad, & the ugly
* it's ok, keep creating
* I enjoy spontaneity - letting a design unfold as I go